Generous, 2024.

Mural at Tia X Chatter Space, Santa Fe, NM.

Click on Image.

New Worlds: Women to Watch. 2024.

516 Arts. Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Click on Image.

Vivarium: Exploring Intersections of Art, Storytelling, and the Resilience

of the Living World.

Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 22, 2024- February 9, 2025.

Click on Image.

New Worlds: Women to Watch 2024.

National Museum of Women in the Arts. Washington, D.C.

Click on the image.

Imagine Nature

DCA Activity and Coloring Books.

Click on Image.

Making Our Way, Everyday. Good Medicine.

Wheelwright Museum, Santa Fe, NM.

Click on the image.

Television, 2024.

A work for Jamison Chas Banks: STORE Vol. 2

Form and Concept Gallery.

Click on Image.

Illustration for Indigenous Research Design Transnational Perspectives in Practice. Edited by Elizabeth Sumida Huaman and Nathan D. Martin. Published 2023.

Click on the image.

Stardust, Mural for the exhibit Field Guide at Ucross

Ucross Wyoming. Winter, 2023.

Click on the image.

An Artwork by Jamison Chas Banks and Eliza Naranjo Morse

Made possible by the Ralph T. Coe Center for the Arts. Spring through Fall, 2023.

Click on the image.

Eliza Naranjo Morse’s Exploration of Love and Community, By E. J. Guarino. Fall, 2022

Click on the image.


Curated by Heidi Brandow

Form and Concept Gallery, Santa Fe, NM. Summer, 2022.

Click on the image.

Alumni Invitational 5

Tang Museum, Saratoga Springs, NY. Summer, 2022

Click on the image.

Private Commission, Spring Winter, 2022

Click on the image.

Cover Illustration for Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Research Methodologies. 2020.

Click on the image.